As ambassadors of God’s Word and His church, we’re passionate about serving others in our local community. This voluntary service is a blessing in myriad ways, and to all involved:

  • Love, care and assistance received by people and organizations who benefit from it

  • Opportunities to learn how to serve and give freely of our time, energy and gifts

  • Responding to God’s call to reflect, in thankfulness, the grace granted us through Jesus Christ

Below is a list of the organizations we support through our time and gifts.

new way ministries

New Way Ministries is a non-profit faith based organization that provides transitional housing for women and their children. Their mission is to minister to the immediate needs of women and children who come to their home, providing compassionate care and counsel in a loving Christian atmosphere.

This program is designed to assist families in crisis, helping them in their recovery process. New Way works with them to find a stable and permanent living environment, dependable income, and encourage loving, safe parent/child relationships. They provide resources that help and encourage families to take the necessary steps to point their lives in a new direction.

New Way also offers support for crisis pregnancies by providing shelter, nurturing women and their young infants, and supporting them through pregnancy, birth, and the months after birth.  

Read more about New Way Ministries here.

Project Hope

For the last 34 years, the Project Hope Food Bank has helped provide food for people at their immediate point of need. It exists to help foster a strong community held together by relational ties as people live out a common purpose through participation. The food bank serves families living in the Lynden School District.

Learn more about Project Hope here.

Skookum Kids

The mission of Skookum Kids is to repair the foster care system by eliminating the pain points that make life unnecessarily difficult for foster parents and social workers. They do this by involving the whole community in the important work of child welfare.

Every day, their team helps hopeful foster families navigate the licensing process, trains them to do excellent foster care, facilitates the placement of children who fit their family, and supports them while they change lives.

Visit the Skookum Kids website here.

Whatcom county Pregnancy clinic

The Whatcom County Pregnancy Clinic (WCPC) is a nonprofit medical clinic in downtown Bellingham, Washington, that provides pregnancy tests and related services that are free, accurate, and confidential. Their pledge to the men, women, and families they serve? Respect. Privacy. Testing. Answers.

Learn more about WCPC here.

stepping stones Summer bible Camp

Stepping Stones is a Christian, non-profit, overnight summer Bible camp in Deroche, British Columbia, Canada, for students between Grades 3-12. They strive to provide children with an amazing camp experience, filled with great activities and adventures, teaching them more about Jesus and God’s wonderful creation.

As an organization, Stepping Stones’ purpose is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with children and youth who do not know Jesus and to nurture Christian faith in those who already do. They seek to provide a safe, spiritual holiday that fosters Biblical knowledge, active faith, and the development of Christian life skills.

Find more information about Stepping Stones here.


Voice of the Church is a media outreach program produced by the Canadian and American Reformed Churches.

The Scripture meditations cover a wide range of topics that introduce the life-changing truth of God’s Word. The 15-minute broadcasts encourage you to become familiar with the teachings of Holy Scripture and learn about the plan of salvation made possible through Jesus Christ.

Visit the Voice of the Church website here.

Abounding Grace Radio

Abounding Grace Radio is a Christian radio broadcasting ministry committed to historic Protestant Reformation theology and the message of salvation by grace alone through faith alone. This teaches the gospel of Jesus Christ from all of Scripture as a witness to those who don’t believe and to strengthen believers in the truth of God’s Word.

Learn more about Abounding Grace Radio here.

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.
— Matthew 25:35-40 (ESV)

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