As ambassadors of God’s Word and His church, we’re also passionate about serving others beyond both our community and country. As we mention on our Community Outreach page, this voluntary service is a blessing to many, in myriad ways:

  • Love, care, and assistance received by people and organizations who benefit from it

  • Opportunities to learn how to serve and give freely of our time, energy and gifts

  • Responding to God’s call to reflect, in thankfulness, the grace granted us through Jesus Christ

In this light, we support the organizations listed below with our time and gifts.


Through Mission Aid Brazil and our nearby sister church in Aldergrove, British Columbia, Canada, we support two Christian missionaries living and serving in northern Brazil.

Mission Aid Brazil provides Christian relief and development aid to needy people in Brazil. They focus on those within the household of faith to support the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Reformed education in coordination with the Mission Board, local Brazilian Reformed Churches, and Canadian Reformed missionaries in Brazil.

To learn more about Mission Aid Brazil, click here.

Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF)

The Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF) is an evangelical Christian missionary organization which serves in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia on behalf of Reformed and Presbyterian churches and believers worldwide.

MERF’s labors are bearing fruit for the Kingdom of Christ among the 22 nations of the Arab League and other Muslim areas in Africa and Asia. The organization strengthens churches with ministries of evangelism, church extension, biblical training and diaconal aid.

Read more about MERF’s work here.

Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund (CRWRF)

The Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund (CRWRF) is a voluntary charitable organization based in the federation of Canadian Reformed Churches. The fund presents an avenue for members of our supporting churches to respond to the needs of their distant neighbors.

The purpose of CRWRF is simple: to give Christian charity to every area of the world that is in need of such. This includes supporting various relief efforts on a continuous basis and requesting special contributions from the churches whenever disasters strike in different parts of the world. The gifts collected are channeled through international agencies known for their reliability and effectiveness.

For more information, visit their website here.

We firmly believe in giving of ourselves because of the grace God has given to us. Interested to learn more about what we believe?