The preaching of God’s Word has a central place in our worship services. As outlined in the Heidelberg Catechism, the Holy Spirit works faith in our hearts by the preaching of God’s Word.
Below is a listing of the sermons preached in our church for the current year. They are organized by date and include the sermon theme, Bible reading and text (or Lord’s Day), and the pastor/reader. Morning and afternoon sermons are uploaded the following Monday evening. For an archive of previous years’ sermons, click here.
Note for audio versions (gray boxes): click the play button on the left side of each sermon to listen to it on this page, or download the audio file to your computer or smartphone by selecting the “Download” option on the right side. Once you’ve clicked play, it may take a moment for the file to load and the audio to begin streaming. Once the sermon has begun playing, use your mouse (on a computer) or finger (on a smartphone) to drag to the right in the large audio block in order to select a specific place or time in the worship service.